Trends in e-commerce

  • Calvin Carlo
Software, Application

The tourism sector recorded the largest decline in activity with a 20.8% decrease in purchases. Fashion and home furnishings are also sectors that see a strong slowdown in their sales because they are no longer a priority. People take refuge in secure values ​​and basic needs.

In this context, those who manage to organize continue their activity which those who had small stocks cannot hold. In terms of logistics, the level of operation goes from 50 to 70% according to the companies. The sensitive point remains with the transporters and the subcontractors.

Globally the most affected sectors are fashion and tourism because they no longer represent a priority.

On the other hand e-commerce on the other hand explodes in the food sector with the home delivery service and sites offer re baskets steps and recipes for cooking with a multiplication of live with chefs on social networks.

The difficult situation at the start of confinement does not mean that this situation will continue. People are expected to start to consume again and we are thinking in particular of the sports sector which could resume their activities and increase their sales of sneakers for running, or the ping pong tables will be able to outdoor activities. > This particular context makes us rethink our way of life of consumption and combine with a change of season it seems that it is profitable for certain actors of e commerce.

Many people thought that e commerce had it also arrested, but they realize that this is not the case which announces a future resumption of orders.

The organization of companies is essential to maintain their business. For those who had anticipated stock shortages and multiplied their stock, they must organize themselves with private carriers to deal with their traditional delivery system.